1. University of Pennsylvania, Oversize Ms. Codex 1083 Title: Reductorium morale Author: Pierre Bersuire Place: Avignon Date: 1405.
2. University of Pennsylvania, Oversize Ms. Codex 1084 Title: Moralia sunt figuris utriusque testamenti Author: Augustinus de Leonissa Place: Germany Date: [1450?]
3. University of Pennsylvania, Oversize Ms. Codex 1131 Title: Theological texts Place: Germany Date: [1440-1460?]
4. University of Pennsylvania, Oversize Ms. Codex 1147 Title: Libri quattuor sententiarum Author: Peter Lombard Place: Germany Date: [between 1400 and 1450]
5. University of Pennsylvania, Oversize Ms. Codex 1271 Title: Opuscula Author: Thomas Aquinas Place: Paris Date: [between 1269 and 1323]
6. University of Kansas, MS B92 Title: Compendium theologicae veritatis Author: Hugo Argentinensis Place: Low Countries Date: [between 1301-1350].
7. University of Kansas, MS E263 Title: Gospel of Matthew Author: Augustinus Triumphus Place: Germany Date: 1460
8. University of Kansas, MS C54 Title: Liber beati Ysidori episcopi Author: Isidore of Seville Place: Italy Date: [between 1401-1500].
9. University of Kansas, MS C66 Title: La mistica theolozia dellamore divino Author: Hugh of Balma Place: Venice Date: December 3, 1500
10. University of Kansas, MS C143 Title: Theological texts Author: Domenico Cavalca Place: Italy Date: [between 1401 and 1500]