1. Boston Public Library, MS q Med.263 no.1 DS ID: DS3515 Title: Li statuti & ordini facti per la Confraternitate & consortio intitulato sancta Maria Rotunda in la ecclesia de sancto Giouane retulano de milano : confirmati per le bulle apostolice del tenore infrascripto. Place: Milan Date: not before 1520
2. University of California, Berkeley, BANC MS UCB 16 DS ID: DS12296 Title: Bible commentary Author: Isidore of Seville Place: Milan Date: between 1175 and 1199
3. University of California, Berkeley, BANC MS UCB 59 DS ID: DS12370 Title: Antiphonary Author: Catholic Church Place: PiacenzaMilanItaly Date: approximately 1475
4. University of California, Berkeley, BANC MS UCB 4 DS ID: DS12479 Title: Sermons Author: Thomas Aquinas Place: Milan and Italy Date: 1298.
5. Newberry Library, VAULT Wing MS folio ZW 1 .469 DS ID: DS18090 Title: Supplicatio Author: Giovanni Ravizi Place: Milan Date: 1469.
6. Newberry Library, VAULT Case MS 219 DS ID: DS18105 Title: Lives of the Fathers Place: MilanPaviaItaly Date: between 1460 and 1480