1051. University of Kansas, MS C58 Title: Correspondence of Jerome Author: Eusebius of Cremona Date: [1400-1499]
1052. University of Kansas, MS C61 Title: Divinae institutiones Author: Lactantius Place: Italy Date: [between 1401-1500]
1054. University of Kansas, MS C64 Title: Dieta salutis Author: Guillaume de Lanicia and Aurelius Victor Place: Germany Date: between 1401-1500
1055. University of Kansas, MS C65 Title: Theological texts Author: Iacopo da Benevento, Hugh of Saint-Cher, Thomas Aquinas, and William de Montibus Place: Italy Date: April 5, 1449
1056. University of Kansas, MS C66 Title: La mistica theolozia dellamore divino Author: Hugh of Balma Place: Venice Date: December 3, 1500
1058. University of Kansas, MS C68 Title: De vita tirannica Author: Xenophon Place: Italy Date: [between 1401-1434]
1060. University of Kansas, MS C70 Title: Quid sit annus solaris Place: Italy Date: [between 1401-1500]