2001. University of Pennsylvania, Misc Mss Box 24 Folder 21 Title: Relacion de la manera et forma Date: 1590s?
2002. University of Pennsylvania, Misc Mss Box 24 Folder 22 Title: Letter Author: Giacomo Tornieri Date: 1584.
2003. University of Pennsylvania, Misc Mss Box 24 Folder 23 Title: Papal bull Author: Balthasar de Piscia Date: circa 1600.
2005. University of Pennsylvania, Oversize Ms. Codex 1797 Title: Schwebell zuem Pulffer unnd Feuuerwercken zue beraitten Author: Franz Helm Place: Bavaria Date: [circa 1598]
2006. University of Pennsylvania, Ms. Codex 1869 Title: Book of hours : Use of Bourges. Author: Catholic Church Place: France Date: [between 1475 and 1499]
2007. University of Pennsylvania, Oversize Ms. Codex 1871 Title: Invoice Author: Sebastian Schindler Place: Switzerland Date: 1585-1586.
2008. University of Pennsylvania, Oversize Ms. Codex 1881 Title: Astronomical texts Place: Germany Date: [circa 1481]
2009. University of Pennsylvania, Ms. Codex 2030 Title: Book of Hours : Use of Paris. Author: Catholic Church Place: France Date: [circa 1500]
2010. University of Pennsylvania, Oversize Ms. Codex 2076 Title: Missal Author: Catholic Church Place: Italy Date: [between 1456 and 1482]