The Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens, mssHM 501
- DS ID:
- DS9890
- Shelfmark:
- mssHM 501
- Title:
- Wycliffe materials
- Place:
- England
- Date:
- between 1400 and 1450
- Language:
- Middle English
- Material:
- parchment
- Physical Description:
- Extent: ff. 152 : parchment ; 93 x 144 mm
- Note:
- Title from printed catalog.
Collection of works on religious subjects in Middle English, primarily translations by John Wycliffe.
Support: Parchment.
Script: Textura quadrata.
Layout: 1 (3 leaves, presumably the last of a quire of 8) 28(-6, after f. 8) 3-158 166(-2, after f. 115; + a bifolium after 4, ff. 118-119) 178 188(-4 and 5, after f. 132; -8 after f. 134) 198(-1 through 7; f. 135 remains) 208 214 224(+ 1, f. 148). Catchwords in decorated brown ink frames in the inside lower margin; quire and leaf signatures in the middle of the lower margin partially visible...
Other Decoration: 6- to 4-line parted red and blue initials infilled with void leaf design, with red and blue cascades ending in flourishing (e.g. ff. 1, 61); 4- to 2-line blue initials with red flourishing; 1-line initials and paragraph marks alternating red and blue; rubrics, line fillers and underlining in red; small red letters above the text to show source: t (Matthew), r (Mark), 1...
Assigned Date: s. XV1.
Input into Digital Scriptorium by: C. W. Dutschke, 7/27/2012.
Written in England in the first half of the fifteenth century. On the outside of the parchment wrapper, "Iste liber est meus possum producere testes __followed by 2 lines rendered illegible through use of a reagent___." Quaritch Cat. 344 (June 1916) n. 64. Acquired by Henry E. Huntington in April 1925. - Keyword:
- Institutional Record:
- IIIF Manifest:
- Holding Institution:
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