Science History Institute, MS 13
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- DS ID:
- DS6360
- Shelfmark:
- MS 13
- Title:
- Praeparatio mercurii ad lapidem per regulam et lunam, ex MSS. Phi Americani
- Author:
- Newton, Isaac, 1642-1727
- Place:
- England
- Date:
- between 1670-1678].
- Language:
- Text in Latin and English
- Physical Description:
- Extent: 4] full and 2 partial pp on coinjoined leaves ; 200 x 155 mm.
- Former Owner(s):
- Conduit, Catherine Barton, 1679-1740
Portsmouth, Gerard Vernon Wallop, Earl of, 1898-
Fabius, Emmanuel, (1895-1984)
- Note:
- Title from the 1936 Sotheby auction catalog.
Written on a 410 x 310 mm sheet : folded in quarters to create leaves 200 x 155 mm.
Pagination: 4 full and 2 partial pp on conjoined leaves.
Layout: Written in 105 lines and subheading, approximately 1,000 words.
Origin: Written in England in early 1670.
The manuscript on the preparation of the sophic mercury was first published in Latin in 1678 as Experimenta de praeparatione mercurii sophici ad lapidem per regulum martis antimoniatum stellatumque et lunam ex manuscripto philosophici Americani, alias Æyrenæi Philalethes, natu Angli, habitatione cosmopolitæ. This manuscript is a copy of another manuscript, not the printed text, and therefore...
Shelfmark: Philadelphia, PA, Donald F. and Mildred Topp Othmer Library of Chemical History, MS 13.
Newton's heirs were in possession of his manuscripts until July 13, 1936, when they sold alchemical and theological manuscripts at Sotheby's auction. This manuscript was purchased by Emmanuel Fabius and kept in his personal collection until his death. This manuscript was offered at auction twice (2004 and 2009), having failed to sell until its purchase on 14 February 2016. Purchased at auction... - Keyword:
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