Bryn Mawr College, MS 46
- DS ID:
- DS16546
- Shelfmark:
- MS 46
- Title:
- De temporibus pauli II, liber V
- Author:
- Gaspare, da Verona, approximately 1400-1474
- Place:
- Northern Italy
- Date:
- 1426-1450
- Language:
- Latin
- Material:
- Parchment
- Physical Description:
- Extent: i+12+i; 199 x 132 mm bound to 210 x 135 mm; parchment
- Former Owner(s):
- Gordon, Phyllis Walter Goodhart
Gordan, John Dozier Jr.
Goodhart, Howard Lehman, 1884?-1951
Phillipps, Thomas, Sir, 1792-1872
Libri, Guillaume?, 1803-1869
- Note:
- Formerly Gordon MS 19
Contemporary corrections in a second hand, possibly that of Gaspar himself
On fols. 7r-v ten lines of text deliberately effaced: qui si scelera quorumdam iudicum resciuisset actutum pontifici maximo significasset dicerem nisi a prolixitate abhorrerem dicerem inqua nominatim et iniustitias et uicia et eorum nomina explicarem// quid enim de rebus hisce pontifices scire possunt. . . Eleven lines later on the same folio five lines are erased: melius meliusque consulent...
Binding: English Russia leather ca. 1830; on spine in gold: GASPARI VERONENSIS NOTITIA OPPIDI SERMONETI; label on spine, partly worn: "[69]44."
Layout: Single column or twenty-four lines, ruled with double vertical and horizontal bounding lines, full length, in hardpoint; written area: 125 x 72 mm
Script: Humanistic
Decoration: One four-line illuminated initial with intertwined branchwork extending halfway down the inner margin, fol. 1r; three- or four-line gold initials throughout; guide letters extant; marginalia throughout
Related resource: De Ricci, Seymour, with the assistance of W. J. Wilson, Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada (New York: H. W. Wilson, 1935-40), no. 19.
Related resource: Kristeller, P.O., Iter Italicum; a finding list of uncatalogued or incompletely catalogued humanistic manuscripts of the Renaissance in Italian and Other Libraries (London, 1963-97), vol. 5, no. 19.
Related resource: Dunston, A. J. "Pope Paul II and Humanists," Journal of Religious History 7 (1972/3) pp. 287-306.
Related resource: Gaspare, Michael Canensius, and Giuseppe Zippel. Le vite di Paolo II di Gaspare da Verona e Michele Canensi. Città di Castello: Coi Tipi dell'editore S. Lapi (1904) .
Related resource: Andrews, Avery. "The 'Lost' Fifth Book of the Life of Pope Paul II by Gaspar of Verona," Studies in the Renaissance 17 (1970) pp. 7-45.
Provenance: Written in Italy, possibly in Rome, in the second half of the fifteenth century; early provenance uncertain; it has been conjectured that this is the manuscript once in the Biblioteca Nazionale at Florence described in the inventory of the Magliabecchiana collection (MS XXXVII, 103) written during the second half of the seventeenth century; this manuscript was subsequently reported... - Keyword:
- Institutional Record:
- IIIF Manifest:
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