Princeton University, Islamic Manuscripts Garrett no. 326L
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- DS ID:
- DS16249
- Shelfmark:
- Islamic Manuscripts Garrett no. 326L
- Title:
- Rashaḥāt al-aqlām sharḥ Kifāyat al-ghulām
- Author:
- Nābulusī, ʻAbd al-Ghanī ibn Ismāʻīl, 1641-1731
- Date:
- 1600-1699
- Language:
- ara
- Note:
- Written A.H. 1095 [A.D. 1684] by the author.
Fols. 99; 16.5 x 10.5 cm.; written surface 11.8 x 6.2 cm.; 16-18 lines to page; on glazed European paper; in naskhi; with catchwords; entries in red.
A commentary on the authorʼs own poem on the principles of Islam according to the ḥanafite school, entitled Kifāyat al-ghulām fī arkān al-Islām.
Beg.: بسم الله ... الحمد لله الذي جعل دار السلام مبنىة على
Colophon: وهذا اخر ما عرضنا ذکره على هذه المنظومة من الشرح نفع الله تعالى بها عباده وادام لهم التوفىق الافادة انه سمىع مجىب نصىر قرىب وقد فرغنا منه ىوم السبت اواخر جمادى الاول من شهور سنة 1095 من الهجرة على صاحبها افضل الصلاة والسلام والحمد لله رب العالمىن امىن
Marginal notes and glosses. MS in good condition; Arabic leather binding with flap; blind stamped and tooling on cover and flap. In a case. MS is evidently unique.
Acquired from Brill, Leyden, A.D. 1904. - Keyword:
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