Extent: 5 v. (i, 144, i + 182 + 159 + 190 + 193) leaves: paper ; 270 x 190 (190 x 130) mm. bound to 270 x 190 mm.
Ms. codex. Title from colophon of vol. 1 (fol. 143a). 29 lines per page. Written in medium small naskh in black ink with use of red for headings, "qāla", re-inking and overlining. Light cream paper, glossy, with laid and chain lines visible. Ḥāshiyah on the margin. Foliation in red ink using Arabic numerals. Mention "waqf" on the margins. Table of contents by a later hand on vol. 1 (fol. 1a), vol. 2 (fol. 2a, crossed out), vol. 4 (fol. 1a), vol. 5 (fol. 1a), vol. 6 (fol. 1a). Note mentioning the number of folios in the vol. on vol. 1 (fol. 143a), vol. 4 (fol. 157b), vol. 5, fol. 188b, vol. 6 (fol. 192a), with a mention of the total number of leaves in the six volumes. Each volume has a label pasted on the upper cover, with inscription in Arabic script reading "107" (some have "Ḥāʼ 107" on the pastedown of the upper cover). Copy of vol. 1 completed on the last day of Shaʻbān 856 [Sept. 16, 1452] by Ismāʻīl ibn Khalīl ibn Aḥmad al-Ghazzī (colophon, fol. 143a). Copy of vol. 6 completed on 5 Muḥarram 859 [Dec. 26, 1454] by the same (al-Ḥanafī added). Vol. 2 and 4 collated on an autograph by Aḥmad ibn Yūnus al-..., known as Ibn al-ShLBī (the name appears on vol. 4; see collation statement, vol. 1, fol. 143a, dated 5 Rajab 938 [Feb. 12, 1532] ; vol. 4, fol. 157b, dated 23 Shaʻbān 938 [March 31, 1532]). Reading statement in the name of Aḥmad al-ʻIbādī(?) al-Ḥanafī, dated Jāmiʻ al-Azhar, Jumādá I 1067 [Feb.-March 1657] on vol. 1, fol. 143a. Waqf statement in the name of Masʻūd, formerly Āghā Dār al-Saʻādah al-Sharīfah [Istanbul], who first endowed the set for the Jāmiʻ al-Azhar in 1079 H. [1668] and then changed it ("rajaʻa ʻan sharṭihi al-awwal") in favor of al-Sayyid ʻAlī Efendi, qāḍī al-quḍāh bi-al-Diyār al-Miṣrīyah and his progeny, then for the Jāmiʻ Shāhʹzāde, dated beginning of Muḥarram 1096 [Dec. 1684] (vol. 1, fol. 1a-b...
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