Legend of Saint Martin, Legend of Saint Brice, Life of Saint Martin, Lives of the Saints, Letter to Eusebius, Epistles, Letter to Aurelius, Letter to Bassula, Dialogue, Historia Francorum, History, De virtutibus sancti Martini, Book I, 4,5,6, Sylloge Epigraphica Turonensis de Sancto Martino, Poems on Saint Martin, De Trinitate, Formata ut conmendata, Letters, Office, and Liturgy
Sulpicius Severus, Gregory of Tours, and Martin of Tours
Germany Bavaria England Worcestershire
c.1832; s. XIX(2/4); 1825-1850, s. IX(2/4); 825-850, and s. IX/X; 890-910
Letters patent, 1548 May 24, granting to Francis, Earl of Shrewsbury, the office of warden, chief justice, and justice itinerant of all forests, parks, chases, and warrens beyond Trent with a yearly salary of £100 : in Latin].
Grant of property, 1426 August 4, by John Cleseby, Thomas Makeblythe and John Wardale to Robert and Katharine Plays and to John Trollope and Agnes (Cleseby) Trollope : in Latin].