61. Boston Public Library, MS v Med.230 no.1 DS ID: DS3555 Title: Single leaf from a 15th-century Persian manuscript]. Place: Iran Date: 14--?
62. Boston Public Library, MS v Med.230 no.2 DS ID: DS3556 Title: Single leaf from a 15th-century Persian manuscript]. Place: Iran Date: ca. 1480?
63. Boston Public Library, Q.403.100 no.2 FOLIO DS ID: DS3557 Title: De duodecim abusionibus claustri / Diadema monachorum / Smaragdus of St. Mihiel ... [etc.]. Place: Germany Date: 1490 to 1491.
64. Boston Public Library, Q.404.65 no.2 FOLIO DS ID: DS3558 Title: Propositio adu[er]sus quosdam curiosos detractores eccle[siae] : quia possidet [et] sup[er] statu eius f[ac]ta coram sa[n]ctissimo [et] beatissimo Romano pontifice d[omi]no nicolao quinto uiro devotissimo. Author: Lope de Espejo Place: Naples Date: not before 29 Sept. 1453