1. New York Academy of Medicine, MS 16 DS ID: DS11417 Title: Quod nemo laeditur nisi a semetipso Author: John Chrysostom Place: Italy Date: Last quarter of the fifteenth century
2. Bryn Mawr College, MS 12 DS ID: DS16515 Title: Homeliae in johannis evangelium Author: John Chrysostom Place: Rome and Italy
3. Bryn Mawr College, MS 18 DS ID: DS16521 Title: Song of Solomon Author: Peter of Limoges, Oglerio di Lucedio, Publilius Syrus, Seneca, Pseudo-Seneca, John Chrysostom, Pseudo Bernard of Clairvaux, Hugh of Saint Victor, and Basil of Caesarea Place: England Date: 1100-1299