- Alphabet1
- Alphabetical dictionary (of legal terms?)1
- Alphabetical index to Medici (?) account book.1
- Alphabets1
- Alphabetum malarum mulierum1
- Alphonsine tables1
- Altar card1
- Alḥān al-sawājiʼ1
- Amadís de Gaula1
- Amarakośa7
- Amaruśataka2
- Ambassadorial report1
- Amerika shokan utsushi niken1
- Amr̥tānubhava1
- Ams̲ilah1
- An inventary of all and singular the goodes and chattells and debtes of John Ffox, late of Chacumbe in the countie of Northampton, gentleman deceased : taken the seventeene daie of Januarie, anno domini a thousand five hundred ninetie twoo /1
- Anaphora1
- Andria1
- Andriae1
- Anhār al-lāhūtīyah fī ḥiyāḍ al-nāsūtīyah1