- Acknowledgement1
- Acknowledgment of debts incurred by Louis, Duke of Orléans, and his company, to be paid by Jean, Duke of Berry : in French].1
- Act concerning monasteries1
- Act of exchange1
- Act of property exchange1
- Acta pronumptiationis tenute et licentie generalis1
- Acta sanctorum1
- Acts of the Apostles1
- Acts of the Martyrs2
- Ad adolescentes de legendis libris gentilium1
- Ad invictissimum Maximilianum II, el. Romanum Imperatorem Augustum : Pro fide catholica, de non concedenda Confessione Augustana.1
- Ad statutum positum sub rubrica de contractibus cum minoribus1
- Adab al-mashq1
- Adbhutarāmāyaṇa1
- Address to Suleyman the Magnificent1
- Address to young men1
- Admonitio ad Nonsuindam reclusam1
- Adoration of the Magi2
- Adornment of the Pious2
- Advaitabrahmasiddhi3