- Trattato dei sette vizi capitali1
- Trattato delle giuste cause de s[igno]ri venetiani alla pace col Turco1
- Trattato delle proportioni et proportionalità1
- Travel writings1
- Travelog1
- Travels of Marco Polo1
- Travels of Sir John Mandeville1
- Treatise concerning government1
- Treatise concerning the city of Toledo1
- Treatise on Islamic eschatology1
- Treatise on Muslim sacred places1
- Treatise on astronomy1
- Treatise on canon law1
- Treatise on composing letters1
- Treatise on evil deeds1
- Treatise on forest law1
- Treatise on government1
- Treatise on mnemonics and memory1
- Treatise on poverty1
- Treatise on practical mathematical calculation1