- Tabulae directionum et profectionum1
- Tafsīr al-Taḥrīr1
- Taghayyurāt ʻalá matn Īsāghūjī1
- Tantras1
- Tashrīḥ al-aflāk1
- Tawjīh al-basmalah1
- Taḥṣīl al-munā fī sharḥ Talkhīṣ Ibn al-Bannāʼ1
- Treatise on astrolabes1
- Treatises on astronomical instruments1
- Tsurat ha-arets1
- Tājikanīlakaṇṭhi1
- Upanishads1
- Works1
- Works on astronomy and astronomical instruments1
- Ynstruction of the ephimeredes1
- Zubdat al-raml1
- Zīj1
- Zīj al-jadīd1
- Zīj-i sulṭānī1
- al-Abjad1