- Towneley plays1
- Traicté de peyne1
- Travel writings1
- Treatise concerning government1
- Treatise on composing letters1
- Treatise on government1
- Treatise on the limpieza de sangre statutes1
- Treatises on astronomy and arithmetic1
- Tripiṭaka1
- Tuhfe-yi Șāhidī1
- Tusculanae disputationes1
- Tuḥfat al-mulūk1
- Tuḥfat al-ʻirfān1
- Tārīkh madīnat Dimashq1
- Upanishads1
- Vasiyetname1
- Versified tale1
- Vita Christi1
- Von dem hochwurdigen sacrament unsers Herren1
- Vox clamantis1