- Masnavi1
- Massbook1
- Master of game1
- Masāyil-i jabr va muqābalah1
- Mathematical texts1
- Mavāhib-i ilāhī dar tārīkh-i Āl-i Muẓaffar1
- Medical text1
- Meditationes de Passione Christi1
- Meditationes vitae Christi1
- Meditations on the Passion1
- Meditations on the Psalms1
- Mensulae planetarum1
- Miniature-size manuscript leaf.1
- Miniatures1
- Miracles of the Virgin1
- Mirroure of myserie1
- Misogonus1
- Moral poetry1
- Moralia in Job1
- Morte dell'Illustrissimo Signor Troilo Savello1