- Text on land tenure1
- Text on logic1
- Texts on Qurʼan recitation1
- Tezkere-yi Latifı̂1
- Tracts of the Ḥurūfī sect1
- Travel writings1
- Treatise on Islamic eschatology1
- Treatise on Ottoman posts1
- Treatise on Sunnī doctrine1
- Treatise on checkers1
- Treatise on chess1
- Treatise on composing letters1
- Treatise on the almucantar quadrant1
- Tuhfe-yi Keskinî1
- Tuhfet ul-uşşak1
- Tuhfet ül-kibar fi esfar il-bihar1
- Turkish text1
- Tuḥfah-ʼi Shāhidī1
- Tuḥfat al-mulūk1
- Tuḥfat al-ʻirfān1