- Regula3
- Rhetorica ad Herennium3
- Sacramentary3
- Single leaf from a 14th-century gradual : in Latin].3
- Single leaf from a 15th-century antiphonal : in Latin].3
- Speculum historiale3
- Summa3
- Agreement2
- Alchemical texts2
- Algorismus2
- Antiphonal : in Latin].2
- Ars poetica2
- Astrological text2
- Bellum Catilinae2
- Benedictional2
- Bifolium from a 15th-century breviary : in Latin].2
- Bill of sale2
- Book of hours : use of Sarum : in Latin].2
- Book of hours : use of Utrecht : in Flemish].2
- Canon law text2