- Alexandreis1
- Alfonso Petrucci property instructions,1
- Alphabet1
- Arrangements1
- Ars poetica1
- Artis metrice practice compilatio1
- Ascetic texts1
- Assumption of guardianship1
- Astronomica1
- Astronomical text1
- Astronomical texts1
- Athanasii Alexandrini contra gentiles1
- Aurora1
- Authorization of sale1
- Autobiography1
- Biblia pauperum].1
- Bifolium from a ca. 15th-century gradual : in Latin].1
- Bifolium from a copy of the Leggenda di Lazzarro, Marta, e Maddalena : in Italian].1
- Bifolium from a late 15th-century book of hours : in Latin].1
- Bill of exchange1