- Compendium logicae1
- Compendium theologicae veritatis].1
- Confessio Catholicae fidei Christiana1
- Confessional1
- Confessionale : Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio version, and other texts.1
- Confessions1
- Contra Julianum1
- Conveyance1
- Copies of documents relating to water rights in Milan.1
- Correspondence1
- Correspondence of Jerome1
- Cronica Venetiarum1
- Cronicha de Frate Martino del ordine deli predicatori del stato degli summi pontifici et degli Imp[er]atori.1
- Cutting from a 13th-century antiphonal : in Latin].1
- Cutting from a 15th-century Italian choirbook].1
- Cutting from a 15th-century gradual : in Latin].1
- Cutting from a ca. 15th-century ferial psalter : in Latin].1
- Cynthia, seu, Elegarium libri tres].1
- De Laudibus Stiliconis1
- De Romanae ecclesiae potestate1