- Chronologies1
- Circa instans1
- Collecção Corioza de varias noticias1
- Commendations of Souls1
- Commentarius in Claudii Ptolemaei Harmonica1
- Commentary on Andria1
- Commentary on Aristotle's Metaphysics1
- Commentary on Corpus juris canonici1
- Commentary on Doctrinale puerorum1
- Commentary on Ecclesiastes1
- Commentary on Hafez1
- Commentary on Numbers1
- Commentary on Pauline Epistles1
- Commentary on Sentences1
- Commentary on Terence1
- Common book1
- Compendium iuris canonici1
- Compendium of Logic ; Commentary on the Organon ; Compendium of Moral Philosophy and Commentary on Aristotle's Moral Philosophy (Nichomachean Ethics).1
- Compendium of biblical topics1
- Compendium religiosi vivendi1