- Qurʼan2
- Works2
- Ḥāshiyah ʻalá Anwār al-tanzīl wa-asrār al-taʼwīl2
- Arabic texts1
- Aranyakas1
- Burhān fī ʻulūm al-Qurʼān1
- Clementine Constitutions1
- Commentary on Daniel1
- Commentary on Ecclesiastes1
- Commentary on Job1
- Commentary on Matthew1
- Commentary on Pauline Epistles1
- Commentary on Revelation1
- Commentary on Romans1
- Commentary on civil law1
- Commentary on the Lord's prayer1
- Compendium of biblical topics1
- De Noe et arca1
- De differentia translationis nostrae ab Hebraica littera Veteris testamentum1
- Decretals1