- Life of Saint Simeon of Padolirone1
- Lives of holy men1
- Lives of the Fathers2
- Lives of the Saints5
- Lives of the twelve Caesars1
- Manāqib al-Imām Abū Bakr ibn Qiwām1
- Manāqib al-Imām al-Shāṭibī1
- Manāqib al-abrār1
- Matn shamāʼil al-muṣṭafá1
- Mawlid al-Nabī Muḥammad1
- Maḥāsin al-mujtamaʻah fī faḍl faḍāyil al-khulafāʼ al-arbaʻah2
- Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ1
- Miscellany1
- Moralia1
- Morte dell'Illustrissimo Signor Troilo Savello1
- Mukhtaṣar Tahdhīb al-asmāʼ wa-al-lughāt1
- Naẓm al-durar al-sanīyah1
- Naẓm sīrat al-Nabī wa-sharḥuhā1
- Nūr al-ʻuyūn fī talkhīṣ siyar al-amīn al-maʼmūn1
- Passio sancti Blasii1