- Ritual1
- Rituale Dominicanum1
- Rule of Saint Augustine1
- Saint Patrick's Purgatory1
- Salt registers1
- Schwabenspiegel1
- Schwabenspiegel Landrecht1
- Scientific texts1
- Scribal advertisement1
- Seals of the planets1
- Seneca's tragedies1
- Sentences1
- Sequentiary1
- Sermones de tempore1
- Sermones de tempore et de sanctis1
- Sermons for the temporale1
- Single initial T cut from a 15th-century antiphonal].1
- Single leaf from a 14th-century gradual : in Latin].1
- Single leaf from a 15th-century Bible : in Latin].1
- Single leaf from a 15th-century antiphonal : in Latin].1