- De forma honestae vitae1
- De institutione monachorum1
- De mirabilibus mundi1
- De primo bello Punico1
- De vinis1
- Epistles1
- Epistolae ad familiares1
- Expositio in civitatem dei S. Augustini1
- Expositio super orationem dominicam1
- Expositio super salutationem angelicam1
- Golden bull1
- Grammatical text1
- Hexameron1
- Historia belli civilis inter Caesarem et Pompeium1
- Legenda sanctorum1
- Letter to Damasus on the death of Saint Jerome1
- Libellus beati misericordes1
- Litany1
- Lives of the Fathers1
- Lives of the twelve Caesars1