- Book of hours : use of Rennes : in Latin].1
- Book of hours : use of St-Brieuc or Dôl : in Latin and French].1
- Breviary (April-November) : Dominican use : in Latin with some German rubrics].1
- Breviary : Carthusian use : in Latin].1
- Breviary : Cistercian use : in Latin with additions in Provençal].1
- Breviary : Cistercian use : in Latin].1
- Breviary : Dominican use : in Latin with German rubrics].1
- Brut Chronicle1
- Canon law text1
- Canticles1
- Capitoli della compagnia della fraternita di santo bernardo la quale si raguna alla badia a septimo1
- Carmina1
- Carta ejecutoria1
- Carta ejecutoria, Sancho de Almazán and Juan de la Cámara vs. the Town Council of Arenas : in Spanish].1
- Carthusian rule1
- Catholicon1
- Cato maior de senectute1
- Charter granting land in the village of Bentley, Suffolk, England, from Hugh Talemache to Richard de Coppedoc : in Latin].1
- Chronica de rebus Glastoniensis1
- Cistercian psalter : in ten parts : with calendar, canticles and litany : in Latin].1