- Religious texts2
- Selections2
- Service book2
- Single leaf from a 15th-century missal : in Latin].2
- 14 leaves from a mid-13th-century Bible : in Latin].1
- 2 leaves from the Etymologiae : in Latin].1
- Achilleis1
- Aeneid1
- Aesop's fables1
- Alexandreis : with gloss : in Latin].1
- Allegorical texts1
- Anticlaudianus1
- Armorial1
- Ars poetica1
- Astronomica1
- Astronomical canon tables].1
- Astronomical miscellany : in Latin].1
- Aurora].1
- Autograph letter signed : Rome, to Filippo and Andre de Perodoles of Ferrara,1
- Baḥr al-maʻārif1