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- Notarial document4
- Contracts2
- A geometricall extraction for all affected to the mathematickes : with sundry strange conclusions both by instrument and without, and also by perspective glasses, to set forth the true disscription or exact plat of a whole region, very plesant and full of delight in practis, also, most profitable to all surveighers, or others that are desirous to make any inclosure, with a treaty of...1
- Account book1
- Acta pronumptiationis tenute et licentie generalis1
- Distribution of property1
- Document concerning property rights1
- Documents1
- Documents concerning land owndership1
- Examination of witnesses1
- Family documents1
- Filza LII segnata1
- Gondi-Medici miscellany.1
- Inventory1
- Liber tastharium1
- Manuale notarii de rippis1
- Miscellanea storica di Guastalla.1
- Miscellany1
- Prattadivākarapaṇḍita1
- Processi contra il vescovo1