- Letter, 1528 May 14, Valencia to Rodrigo Ponce de Leon, Duke of Arcos].1
- Life of St. Augustine : in Latin].1
- Manuscript treatise on commercial arithmetic for apprentice cloth merchants : in Italian].1
- Office for profession of female Benedictine novices : in Latin with German rubrics].1
- Offices of the Mother of God : in Church Slavic].1
- Passionarium omnes quatuor passiones].1
- Plurimo[rum] uerbo[rum] nominum ue[l?] differenti[ae] non inutiles & necessarie.1
- Postilla super totam bibliam : Parabolas, Ecclesiastes, Cantica canticorum. Prophetae minores].1
- Prayerbook : Dominican use : in Latin with German additions].1
- Prayerbook : in Latin with German rubrics].1
- Prefacio in itinerar[iu]m, seu, Peregrinat[i]o[ne]m B[ea]te Virginis [et] Dei genetricis Marie.1
- Priest's book (Lections, Epistles, sermons) : in Latin].1
- Profession ritual and Benedictine rule for nuns : in Latin and Flemish].1
- Prognostication manual : in Latin, English, and Anglo-Norman].1
- Propositio adu[er]sus quosdam curiosos detractores eccle[siae] : quia possidet [et] sup[er] statu eius f[ac]ta coram sa[n]ctissimo [et] beatissimo Romano pontifice d[omi]no nicolao quinto uiro devotissimo.1
- Rerum vulgarium fragmenta, etc. : in Italian with some Latin].1
- Responsorium : in Latin with German additions].1
- Romuleon].1
- Rule of St. Clare : with commentaries and declarations by John of Capistrano and Nicholas of Cusa : in Italian and Latin].1
- Saints' Lives : Franciscan : in French].1