- Book of hours : use of Metz : in Latin and French].1
- Book of hours : use of Rome : in Latin].1
- Cutting from a 13th-century antiphonal : in Latin].1
- Cutting from a 15th-century Bible : in Latin].1
- Cutting from a 15th-century Italian choirbook].1
- Cutting from a 15th-century gradual : in Latin].1
- Cutting from a ca. 15th-century ferial psalter : in Latin].1
- De duodecim abusionibus claustri / Diadema monachorum / Smaragdus of St. Mihiel ... [etc.].1
- De institutione religiosorum1
- De viris illustribus1
- Deed of John Davnay, ca. 1600, granting all his lands, tenements and goods to his sons John and William : in Latin].1
- Devotional picture book].1
- Ferial psalter : in Latin.1
- Grant in tail of real property from Johanna Hawkeslowe senior, Walter Lane, and William Reddeberede to Johanna Hawkeslowe junior and Ellen (Hawkeslowe) Palmer : in Latin].1
- Grant of property, 1426 August 4, by John Cleseby, Thomas Makeblythe and John Wardale to Robert and Katharine Plays and to John Trollope and Agnes (Cleseby) Trollope : in Latin].1
- Homiliary and saints' lives : in Latin].1
- Leaf from the Comedies of Terence in the hand of Giuliano d'Antonio da Prata].1
- Letters patent, 1548 May 24, granting to Francis, Earl of Shrewsbury, the office of warden, chief justice, and justice itinerant of all forests, parks, chases, and warrens beyond Trent with a yearly salary of £100 : in Latin].1
- Li statuti & ordini facti per la Confraternitate & consortio intitulato sancta Maria Rotunda in la ecclesia de sancto Giouane retulano de milano : confirmati per le bulle apostolice del tenore infrascripto.1
- Libellus cuiusda[m] ignoti auctoris de anima cont[ra] que[n] Claudianus trib[us] seq[uen]tib[us] libris disputat Claudiam De statu anime.1