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- Liber excusationum in causis criminalibus1
- Mathematical texts1
- Megillah of Esther : in Hebrew].1
- Meḳitse nirdamim1
- Mishneh Torah1
- Pardes Rimonim1
- Perush Rashi ʻal ha-Torah1
- Pesikta rabbati1
- Reshut le-nishmat le-Fesah leha-R. Binyamin. Yeʻidot yagidun.1
- Sefer Mitzvot Gadol1
- Shesh kenafayim1
- Sidur = Prayer book of Italian rite.1
- Sphaera mundi1
- Torah1
- Tsurat ha-arets1
- Yaʻarot devash1
- Yesod ʻolam1
- Yoreh deʻah ʻim perushe ve-ḥidushe Yosef Ḳaro ... be-ḥibur Bet Yosef.1
- ʻIr siḥon.1
- Ḥeshbon mahalkhot ha-kokhavim1