- Lanndtafel dess Fürstenthümbs Obern und Nidern Bairn1
- Laws1
- Legal document1
- Legal texts1
- Letter1
- Malefitzsachen veindlicher Bekhanntnusser1
- Mathematical texts1
- Miscellaneous manuscripts (Large),1
- Neüe stadtrecht1
- Nonnberg Passion1
- Notes1
- Observationes1
- Office1
- Office for profession of female Benedictine novices : in Latin with German rubrics].1
- Ordo unctionis infirmorum eorumque pastoralis curae1
- Papal bull1
- Pasquillus in aulicos1
- Pastor's schedule1
- Pattern-book of bridles, bits and straps1
- Pfleg casten und bericht Ritzenhaus verrecht1