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- Itinerarium3
- Alchemical texts1
- Astrological text1
- Canon law text1
- Compendium moralitatum1
- Consolatio peccatorum seu Processus Belial1
- Das Leiden unsers Herren Ihesu Christi].1
- Invoice1
- Medical texts1
- Miscellaneous manuscripts (Large),1
- Miscellany1
- Office for profession of female Benedictine novices : in Latin with German rubrics].1
- Prayerbook : Dominican use : in Latin with German additions].1
- Prayerbook : in Latin with German rubrics].1
- Religious text1
- Religious texts1
- Responsorium : in Latin with German additions].1
- Sacramentary1
- Salt registers1
- Travels of Sir John Mandeville1