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- Ahlak-i alâî1
- Akhlaq-i Nasiri1
- Al-Shifa bi Ta'rif Huquq al-Mustafa2
- Alchemy of Happiness1
- Antiphonary3
- Arabic grammatical text1
- Arabic texts1
- Arbaʻīn al-mughniyah bi-funūnihā ʻan al-muʻīn1
- Artis metrice practice compilatio1
- Atashkadeh1
- Āṭah'li ve Zeynîzade ve Birgivî şerhi1
- Baharestan1
- Bahjat al-asrār wa-maʻdan al-anwār1
- Baḥr al-fawāʼid1
- Baḥr al-kalām1
- Bible7
- Biblical expositions2
- Bibliotheca historica1
- Book of hours3
- Book of hours : for Sarum Use.1