- Futuh al-Ghayb1
- Futūḥ al-Ḥaramayn1
- Genealogy1
- Gospel of John1
- Gospel of Luke1
- Gospels1
- Gulshan-i Raz1
- Habib al-Siyar1
- Hadiqat al Haqiqa1
- Hadīyat al-faqīr li-Ḥaḍrat al-Wazīr1
- Hasht-Bihisht1
- Hādhā majmūʻ fīhi thalāth dawāwīn : Dīwān al-Safarjalānī wa-Dīwān al-Bābī wa-Dīwān Ibn al-Naḥḥās.1
- Hidāyat al-ṭālibīn1
- Hilkatname1
- Hilye-yi șerife-yi Nebi1
- History of the Imams1
- History of the Prophets and Kings1
- Hoca Neşet Efendi'nin Tufan-i marifet şerhi ve Mecalis-i Mevlevi1
- Hâkim tarihi1
- Hādhā al-Kitāb Dhikr mulūk Ḥimyar /1