- Sutra1
- Syriac manuscripts1
- Sāmī fī al-asāmī1
- Tabula mediorum motuum1
- Tajrīd al-uṣūl min aḥādīth al-Rasūl1
- Taula general de totes sciencies1
- Tawḍīḥ sharḥ Muqaddimat Abī al-Layth1
- Teseida1
- Tesoretto1
- Testament1
- Text on suffering1
- Text on women1
- Texts on knighthood and tournaments1
- The assembly of the land of bliss sutra1
- The legendary history of the Jin'o-ji1
- The life of Master Thomas Wolsey1
- The pearl1
- Thomas Campegius iuris utriusque doctor dei1
- Tractatus Zelus Christi contra Iudaeos, Sarracenos et infideles1
- Tragedia de la insigne reyna doña Ysabel1