- Garland of jewels in the form of questions and answers1
- Gebedenboek1
- Gebettbüchlein1
- Genealogy1
- Gigantea1
- Glosa super anticlaudiano1
- Gospel of Nicodemus1
- Grilandas inventum1
- Hadīyat al-mahdīyīn1
- Handwriting1
- Haysmarourk1
- Hecatomphila1
- Heraldry1
- Heraldry text1
- Hidayah1
- Historia Alexandri Magni1
- Historia destructionis Troiae1
- Historia domus Austriae1
- Historia translationis reliquiarum beati Johannis Baptistae1
- Historia und beschreibung Bauernkrieg1