- Institutiones juris civilis1
- Institutions, or Advice to his grandson1
- Interrogatoire d'un sorcier1
- Journals1
- Legal document1
- Legal documents1
- Libellus de officio militari1
- Liber niger domus regiae1
- Libro del bene della Vecchiezza1
- Life of Saint Simeon of Padolirone1
- List of commissioners1
- Manipulus curatorum1
- Marginal notes1
- Medical texts1
- Medicinal recipes1
- Medititations sainctes1
- Milke and hony, or a miscellanious collation of many Christian experien[c]es, sayinges contentes and severall pleases [=places] of scripturs improved :1
- Minutes on clerical matters1
- Minutes relating to budgeting1
- Miscellany1