- Charter1
- Chronicle1
- Codex math1
- Commentarius In Sphaeram1
- Commentary on Second Kings1
- Corregidor of the villa de Oropesa1
- Correspondence between Vettori and Machiavelli1
- De elevatione1
- De imitatione Christi1
- Devotional miscellany1
- Dialogue1
- Diary and book of accounts, circa 1654-1666, written from Bedfordshire (Petenhall), Cambridgeshire (Tadlow), Portsmouth, and Windsor Parke [near London?] :1
- Divine Comedy1
- Document, 1486 August 9, [Quingentialis?] mandating the cancellation and annulment of an unlicensed purchase of land made by Parisium de Leffe de Medulas from Acino de Zannis de Castrognifredo :1
- Document, 1513 August 6, Westfalia, Germany with unidentified text written in or concerning Sassenhausen and [Windesheim?] :1
- Draft petition, 1652 [October?] 20, to the Parliament of England for support against incursion of other religious sects into the Massachusetts Bay Colony :1
- Genealogical work1
- Harangue de Monsieur l'Evêque1
- Historia Indiae Occidentalis1
- History of Marechal de Gassion1