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- A geometricall extraction for all affected to the mathematickes : with sundry strange conclusions both by instrument and without, and also by perspective glasses, to set forth the true disscription or exact plat of a whole region, very plesant and full of delight in practis, also, most profitable to all surveighers, or others that are desirous to make any inclosure, with a treaty of...1
- Alchemical texts1
- Algorismus1
- Aparokṣānubhūti1
- Camatkāracintāmaṇi1
- Cartulary1
- Caṇḍobhimānī1
- Collection of Jain scripture1
- Damayantīkathā1
- Darśana1
- Devotional book1
- Dhanvantarīnighaṇṭu1
- Dharmasindhu2
- Dhaumyakṛtastotra1
- Expositio in libros Posteriorum Aristotelis1
- Fasciculus temporum1
- Feuer Buech1
- Feuerwerkbuch1
- Grahagocara1
- Gītagovinda1