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- Bible15
- Book of hours14
- Single leaf from a 15th-century book of hours : in Latin].4
- Decretals of Gregory IX3
- Bible : Old and New Testament : in Latin].2
- Garin le Loherain2
- Libellus super electionibus faciendis et earum ordinandis2
- Liber scintillarum2
- Missal2
- Papal bull2
- Receipt2
- Roman de la rose2
- Selections2
- Sermons2
- 2 leaves from the Etymologiae : in Latin].1
- Accounts1
- Alexandreis : with gloss : in Latin].1
- Antiphonary : use of Lyon.1
- Ars moriendi : in French].1
- Ars poetica1