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- Book of hours3
- Psalter3
- Bible2
- Assise of all manner of breade1
- Astronomical texts1
- Breviary1
- Canon of Medicine1
- Circa instans1
- Commentarius in Claudii Ptolemaei Harmonica1
- Copies of documents relating to water rights in Milan.1
- De materia medica1
- Edicts concerning Jews1
- Fawāʼid al-ḥabīb. Zinjār al-ḥukamāʼ1
- Jadāvil-i ikhtiyārāt1
- Kharīdat al-ʻajāʼib wa farīḍat al-gharāʼib1
- Kitāb al-Adwār fī al-mūsīqá1
- Legal texts1
- Letter to Rodolfo Pio da Carpi,1
- Nicomachean ethics1
- Poetry1