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- Golden Legend1
- Historia scholastica].1
- Libellus cuiusda[m] ignoti auctoris de anima cont[ra] que[n] Claudianus trib[us] seq[uen]tib[us] libris disputat Claudiam De statu anime.1
- Liber divisionum. Antidotarium. Liber Almansoris ... [etc].1
- Lives of the Fathers1
- Livre de la fontaine de toutes sciences1
- Psalter, canticles, and litany : in Latin].1
- Quaestiones1
- Quotations1
- Rerum vulgarium fragmenta, etc. : in Italian with some Latin].1
- Roman de la rose1
- Roman-- des sept sages de Rome. Roman de Mark de Rome.1
- Romuleon].1
- Saints' Lives : Franciscan : in French].1
- Sentences1
- Sidonius Apollinaris to Agricola1
- Theological texts1