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- Book of hours4
- Poetry2
- A myrour to lewde men and wymmen1
- Advocati Rivoalti1
- Antiphonary1
- Ascetic texts1
- Astronomical miscellany1
- Astronomical texts1
- Bāriʻ fī aḥkām al-nujūm1
- Commentary on De generatione et corruptione1
- Commentary on Meteorologica1
- Commentary on Sentences1
- Darśana1
- De amore et dilectione dei1
- De casibus virorum illustrium1
- Etymologiae1
- Fioretti di San Francesco1
- Forgery1
- Gli amori di Tibullo e Glicera1
- Gospel lessons for the Office of the Dead : use of Chartres.1