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- A geometricall extraction for all affected to the mathematickes : with sundry strange conclusions both by instrument and without, and also by perspective glasses, to set forth the true disscription or exact plat of a whole region, very plesant and full of delight in practis, also, most profitable to all surveighers, or others that are desirous to make any inclosure, with a treaty of...1
- Abhyudayikaśrāddhaprayoga1
- Abscondita naturae : collecta ab diversis philosophorum et medicorum voluminibus /1
- Abvāb al-jinān5
- Academic texts1
- Account book14
- Acta pronumptiationis tenute et licentie generalis1
- Ad Octavianum Augustum de Progenie Sua Libellus1
- Ad invictissimum Maximilianum II, el. Romanum Imperatorem Augustum : Pro fide catholica, de non concedenda Confessione Augustana.1
- Adab al-mashq1
- Adbhutaśānti1
- Adhomukhajananaśānti1
- Adornment of the Pious1
- Advaitamakaranda1
- Aeneid1
- Against Apion1
- Agnihotrahomaprayoga1
- Agnihotraprayoga1
- Agnisthāpanavidhi1
- Agniṣṭomamaitrāvaruṇaprayoga1