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- Account book1
- Act concerning monasteries1
- Astronomica1
- Book of hours1
- Commentary on Aristotle1
- Confirmation1
- Ecclesiastical text1
- Edict against reforming tendencies1
- Epitaph1
- Grant in tail of real property from Johanna Hawkeslowe senior, Walter Lane, and William Reddeberede to Johanna Hawkeslowe junior and Ellen (Hawkeslowe) Palmer : in Latin].1
- Grant of property, 1426 August 4, by John Cleseby, Thomas Makeblythe and John Wardale to Robert and Katharine Plays and to John Trollope and Agnes (Cleseby) Trollope : in Latin].1
- Grant transferring land lease to Stephen del Bouwe : in Latin].1
- History of Santiago de Compostela1
- Legal documents1
- Letters patent1
- Life of Catherine of Alexandria1
- Miscellany1
- Notarial deed, 1314 March 3, recording a monetary and land transaction : in Latin].1
- Panegyric1
- Privileges1