- Schachzabelbuch1
- Schedule of tariffs1
- Scholastic literature1
- School miscellany1
- School text1
- Schwabenspiegel1
- Schwebell zuem Pulffer unnd Feuuerwercken zue beraitten1
- Scientific miscellany1
- Scottish law manuscript1
- Screenfold manuscript1
- Scribal advertisement1
- Scriptum super Sententiis1
- Scritture dell'Arrigucci1
- Seals of the planets1
- Secrets of secrets1
- Secretum1
- Sefer Mitzvot Gadol1
- Seiyakuchō hi1
- Selections from Majmaʻ biḥār al-anwār fī gharāʼib al-tanzīl wa-laṭāʼif al-akhbār1
- Selections from the Qurʼān1