- Ktaba d-tašʻyata d-Yaldat ʼAlaha Maryam1
- Leggendario delle sante virgini1
- Life of Margaret of Antioch1
- Life of the Virgin Mary1
- Literary texts1
- Mariale1
- Matins1
- Meditationes piissimae de cognitione humanae conditionis1
- Miracles of the Virgin1
- Miscellany1
- Occasional services1
- Offices of the Mother of God : in Church Slavic].1
- Portiforium1
- Prayer book1
- Psalter1
- Raccolta di celebri arcani1
- Sacramentary1
- Saint Anne and the Virgin Mary1
- Sermones Discipuli de tempore1
- Speculum monachorum1